Marcia Iwatate Office

  • 2004
  • publication

日本から発信された「コンセプト・ショップ」という考え方は、世界に大きな影響を与えた日本独自の空間デザインの一つ。その流行に先駆けてインテリア・デザイナー7名(黒川勉、文田昭仁、橋本夕紀夫、辻村久信,佐藤一郎、間宮吉彦、勝田隆夫)の仕事を世界に紹介したデザイン書。日本のデザインに深い感心を持つコンラン卿に前書きを依頼。 Working with a new generation of entrepreneurs, interior designers are reshaping basic concepts of how modern Japanese eat, work and shop. Seven of Japan’s foremost interior designers’ creativity is showcased in 34 shops, restaurants, bars and salons. A whole new language of design and the Japanese penchant for innovation and internationalism has given this generation carte blanche to redefine Japan as the world’s next cultural superpower, as evidenced in the recent, global epidemic of “concept shops”.

creative direction・text
岩立マーシャ Marcia Iwatate
Terence Conran
book design
Nacása & Partners・高山幸三 Nacása & Partners・Kozo Takayama
Periplus Editions