Marcia Iwatate Office

  • 2008
  • publication

Japan Living: Form and Function at the Cutting Edge

静けさ、機能美、空気感、光と空間のバランス、住み手の趣向が深く息づく住宅を集めたJapan Housesの続編の住宅建築集。掲載された住宅には高年齢化社会、第二の人生、DINKS、省エネ、ライフスタイルと密接に結びついた多種多彩の趣味など、日本の社会の変化が強く反映されている。 Natural serenity, unostentatious refinement and interplay of light and shadow are all hallmarks of Japanese residential design. The selection of houses reflects the many changes in the dynamics of Japanese society, including an aging population and the desire to remain childless; while others embody creativity and individuality. Throughout, a return to traditional materials and design elements is married with present-day requirements as minimalism, flexibility, energy efficiency and electronic gadgetry. Each of these homes is an exquisite representation of the integrity consistently found within Japanese residential architecture, both in new construction and old.

creative direction
岩立マーシャ Marcia Iwatate
Geeta Mehta Marcia Iwatate・
Geeta Mehta
Nacása & Partners
Tuttle Publishing